Maven Refresher Eclipse Integration for Maven projects

Step-1: After downloading Apache Maven, set M2_HOME to maven directory/
Step-2 : In Update Path to $PATH:$M2_HOME/bin, test from command window/shell the command
              maven -version
Step-3 : In eclipse, click on Windows, for Maven..edit properties....

              a) Installation home: <<maven home>>... then select the new installation home
              b) User Settings:  <<Select the maven home..installation dir's setting.xml>>

              Open the settings.xml in Eclipse IDE and exit

Step-4:  In settings.xml, update the below and save/exit
             a) Local Repository set (sample)
             b) If there is proxy..then put appropiate values..

    <!-- proxy
     | Specification for one proxy, to be used in connecting to the network.
     | -->
      <host>PROXY BASR URL</host>
      <port>PROXY PORT</port>

Step-5: Then in Eclipse IDE, create a maven project via wizard.

Step-6..See snapshot.. (An excellent site...
 example archetype for project creation.
Create Maven project in Eclipse - Part 3
On the last tab enter the GAV of your project similar to the following screenshot.
Create Maven project in Eclipse - Part 4

Run the build

Validate that the generate setup works correctly by running the build. For this right-click the pom.xml file and select Run As→ Maven build.
Create Maven project in Eclipse - Part 4
This opens a dialog which allows to define the parameters for the start. Enter clean verify in the Goals: field and press the Run button.


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