Zeppelin and Anaconda

Set Anaconda As Default Python Interpreter In Zeppelin

  1. Click anonymous in top right corner.
  2. Click Interpreter.
  3. Scroll down to the python interpreter.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Locate zeppelin.python.
  6. Set value to /home/hadoop/anaconda/bin/python
  7. Now find the spark interpreter.
  8. Locate zeppelin.pyspark.python.
  9. Set value to /home/hadoop/anaconda/bin/python

This works..tested..

conda install -c calex sklearn-pandas


zeppelin 0.7.3 don't support spark 2.3. spark 2.3 is supported by zeppelin 0.8 which will be released soon

zeppelin 0.7.3 doesn't support python 3.6..

now testing with spark 2.1 and python 3.5...so far so good..


zeppelin home/conf should have zeppelin-env.sh. Here you can specify spark home and zeppelin port

Starting Apache Zeppelin from the Command Line

On all unix like platforms:
bin/zeppelin-daemon.sh start
If you are on Windows:
After Zeppelin has started successfully, go to http://localhost:8080 with your web browser.

Stopping Zeppelin

bin/zeppelin-daemon.sh stop
own voteacceptedzeppelin 0.7.3 don't support spark 2.3. spark 2.3 is supported by zeppelin 0.8 which will be released soon


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