
Showing posts from December, 2016

Modelling and Inference Systems in a Connected Car

Use of Analytic and Modeling in Automobiles Automobiles are now fitted with OEM devices that provide telematics and analytical data. Data for Analytic are emitted by different parts of automobiles and feed comes at periodic intervals. The number of vechiles with sensors are going to increase at 40% rate yoy. Think through a solution architecture and modeling technique? Few insights that can be of use for a customer can be in area of preventive maintenance, security etc. Engine oil change, tyre change, optimal speed to drive, suggestive drive modes like cruise, care etc, When electric charge needs to be recharged. Say when to recharge is the dependent variable, independent variables can be capacity of battery, power available, charging rate, discharge rate etc. Which modeling techniques to use? The diagnosis of technical systems is a research field that is largely governed by modeling questions: Which modeling strategy is adequate, a deep behavior model or a shallow...