
Showing posts from May, 2016

Maven Refresher Eclipse Integration for Maven projects

Step-1: After downloading Apache Maven, set M2_HOME to maven directory/ Step-2 : In Update Path to $PATH:$M2_HOME/bin, test from command window/shell the command               maven -version Step-3 : In eclipse, click on Windows, for Maven..edit properties....               a) Installation home: <<maven home>>... then select the new installation home                             b) User Settings:  <<Select the maven home..installation dir's setting.xml>>               Apply               Open the settings.xml in Eclipse IDE and exit Step-4:  In settings.xml, update the below and save/exit              a) Local Repository set (sample)              ...

Running Spark Standalone error ...Failed to connect to master localhost:8081 Actor not found for: ActorSelection

Spark Refresher [pts/0][16:01:21:hadoop@localhost ] ~>cd spark-1.5.0-bin-hadoop2.4 [pts/0][16:01:27:hadoop@localhost ] ~/spark-1.5.0-bin-hadoop2.4>ls bin          data       examples  logs          python     RELEASE  work CHANGES.txt  derby.log  lib       metastore_db  R          sbin conf         ec2        LICENSE   NOTICE  scala [pts/0][16:01:28:hadoop@localhost ] ~/spark-1.5.0-bin-hadoop2.4>jps 29286 Jps [pts/0][16:01:41:hadoop@localhost ] ~/spark-1.5.0-bin-hadoop2.4>cd sbin/ ===========optional if you need UI view and connecting via windows to a lunix box========== [pts/0][16:03:11:hadoop@localhost ] ~/spark-1.5.0-bin-hadoop2.4/sbin>vncserver xauth:  timeout in locking authority file /u01/hadoop/.Xauthority New 'localhost:1 ...

More on Statistics.....P-Value, Anova

Notes from Net for quick reference on P-Value and Anova.. The  P -value approach involves determining "likely" or "unlikely" of observing a more extreme test statistic in the direction of the alternative hypothesis than the one observed. If the  P -value is less than (or equal to) α, then the null hypothesis is rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis.  Specifically, the four steps involved in using the  P -value approach to conducting any hypothesis test are: Specify the null and alternative hypotheses. Using the sample data and assuming the null hypothesis is true, calculate the value of the test statistic.  Using the known distribution of the test statistic, calculate the  P -value :  Set the significance level, α, the probability of making a Type I error to be small — 0.01, 0.05, or 0.10. Compare the  P -value to α. If the  P -value is less than (or equal to)...