
Showing posts from 2016

Modelling and Inference Systems in a Connected Car

Use of Analytic and Modeling in Automobiles Automobiles are now fitted with OEM devices that provide telematics and analytical data. Data for Analytic are emitted by different parts of automobiles and feed comes at periodic intervals. The number of vechiles with sensors are going to increase at 40% rate yoy. Think through a solution architecture and modeling technique? Few insights that can be of use for a customer can be in area of preventive maintenance, security etc. Engine oil change, tyre change, optimal speed to drive, suggestive drive modes like cruise, care etc, When electric charge needs to be recharged. Say when to recharge is the dependent variable, independent variables can be capacity of battery, power available, charging rate, discharge rate etc. Which modeling techniques to use? The diagnosis of technical systems is a research field that is largely governed by modeling questions: Which modeling strategy is adequate, a deep behavior model or a shallow...

Test Automation Framework

Why a framework? To standardize the automation development effort and implement best practices. To provide a single point for customization and manage changes. Reusable code. Types of frameworks? refer for details. Components that one can usually code as part of framework... Input Folders Output  Folders Recording Scripts Src Code -modules Utility Components Reporting Some Basic skills in programming ? Read data from xls [opening an xls..selecting a sheet..selecting value of a cell..] Create folders based on date of execution and run number..write results to folders utility functions to manage date format change, removing of trail spaces..etc. selection of test cases for execution batch creation emailing failure handling execution results and summarized view of execution results Integration with daily code ..Continuous integration and build. Browser and OS independent. (refer few others http://w...

ssh localhost during hadoop setup

In apache site, if you simply follow..below in ubuntu it didn't work.. Setup passphraseless ssh Now check that you can ssh to the localhost without a passphrase: $ ssh localhost If you cannot ssh to localhost without a passphrase, execute the following commands: $ ssh-keygen -t dsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa $ cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys $ chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys So check for 2 things.. a) U have a SSH server it first. b) Instead of using dsa use rsa $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa $ cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys $ chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Linear Regression using R

Iteration-0 Consolidated  2 good posts..This is just for personal reading..references use only. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ One of the most frequent used techniques in statistics is linear regression where we investigate the potential relationship between a variable of interest (often called the response variable but there are many other names in use) and a set of one of more variables (known as the independent variables or some other term). Unsurprisingly there are flexible facilities in  R  for fitting a range of linear models from the simple case of a single variable to more complex relationships. For this example we will use some data from the book Mathematical Statistics with Applications by Mendenhall, Wackerly and Scheaffer (Fourth Edition – Duxbury 1990). This data is for a study in central Florida where 15 alligators were captured and two measurements w...